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Celebrating Earth Today and Every Day

Celebrating Earth Today and Every Day

Today is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.  On this day we are reminded to take a moment to appreciate all the beauty in this beautiful world we live in. A time to reflect on ways we can make changes in our lifestyle to protect this planet.  It can be done with little habit changes or big ones but it all starts with one person. 


This year I've been drawn to bright colors more than ever before.  Maybe because they give a feeling of optimism, hope and happiness. The circumstances we are currently living under with COVID-19 have given us the perfect opportunity to focus on honoring our planet. Here are a few ideas to celebrate Earth Day, especially if you’re at home:

  1. Take a scenic walk around your neighborhood or a close, secluded area. For an added bonus, choose a path you rarely venture down and take the time to notice new gardens or landscapes you’ve never seen. It’ll give you a fresh, new perspective and appreciation for the Earth.
  2. Whether you have kids at home with you or not, channel your inner child and create an art project using items from nature. There are endless ideas on Pinterest, or you can come up with your own using art supplies you already have at home. This is another perfect way to spend time outside finding the objects you want to use.
  3. Start your own little garden with seeds from the vegetables in your refrigerator. Most people think owning a garden is too time-consuming and difficult to maintain, but now is a better time than ever to start. It’s so much easier than you would realize, especially with endless tutorials on Google for any vegetable (or even fruit) that you could imagine.
  4. Go out into your backyard and plant a tree.  It can be your COVID-19 tree where every year you are reminded of this time in history.  You could even bury a time capsule documenting this day. 
  5. Shop sustainable brands online.  Now when everyone has turned to online shopping, you can decide to buy from your favorite sustainable brand or purchase all-natural household essentials.
  6.  Watch a documentary about Earth or wildlife online or take a virtual field trip to a place you always dreamt of visiting.

Absence surely makes the heart grow founder.  Today we appreciate and celebrate our Mother Earth for the beautiful, dynamic, powerhouse of a home she presents to us.  Get out in Nature today and enjoy this magnificent planet we call home.