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Quarantine Blues

Quarantine Blues

The Quarantine Blues Collection is LIVE! This new collection is inspired by cool dusty blue hues and calming warm still waters. The stones in this collection were chosen for their beauty and their ability to bring calmness and serenity to the wearer. Even while in quarantine women need to feel beautiful, inspired and confident.

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Celebrating Earth Today and Every Day

Celebrating Earth Today and Every Day

Today is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.  On this day we are reminded to take a moment to appreciate the beauty in this beautiful world we live in. A time to reflect on ways we can make changes in our lifestyle to protect this planet.  It can be done with little habits changes or big ones but it all starts with one person.

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Celebrating Sisterhood

Celebrating Sisterhood

"There's a special kind of freedom sisters enjoy.  Freedom to share innermost thoughts, to ask a favor, to show their true feelings.  The freedom to simply be themselves."

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Now more than ever we need to Connect to Nature

Now more than ever we need to Connect to Nature

5 ways to Connect to Nature while social distancing.

They say you don’t truly miss something until it’s gone.  During this time of being quarantined at home, it can be easy to feel disconnected from nature. You miss feeling the sun on your skin or the breeze blowing through your hair – everyday things that you normally don’t take the time to notice.  Your social gatherings at your local beaches, lakes, ski resorts and community parks have all been postponed.  All this uncertainty for the future is unsettling and scary.  This period of isolation can start to take its toll on your mental well-being and make you go a little stir crazy. While we are meant to be social distancing ourselves from the outside world right now, there are still some ways to keep your inner-self in tune with nature.

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